Monday, August 7, 2017

CBPOA - August 2nd, 2017 Executive Committee Meeting - Activities and Actions

1)    The Review of the Crescent Beach Community Development Plan.

The City Planning Department is preparing boards that will outline the feedback from the first round of consultation in preparation for the next Open House to be held in September. There will be a much reduced list of options based on that feedback.

2)    Preparation for the September 6th Quarterly General Meeting and the 2017 AGM.

Members will be asked where they are in their thinking around the “Neighbourhood Emergency Preparedness Toolkit”, which was introduced at the June meeting.

There are members willing to stand for the positions of Secretary and Treasurer which are up for renewal at the 2017 AGM. A request for nominations from the floor will be made prior to the vote.

There is one person expressing interest in the position of Director-at Large. These positions are important for continuity and succession planning. Please speak with any Director to express your interest in becoming part of the Executive Committee.