Wednesday, September 9, 2020

CBPOA – August 11, 2020 Directors Meeting Activities and Actions


CBPOA – August 11, 2020 Directors Meeting

Activities and Actions

1.    Correspondence received from Surrey Fire Chief to be attached to September minutes and posted on website.

2.    Contact made from Surrey for a Public Engagement Strategy meeting; Liz to follow up to complete this survey.

3.    Save Station/AED Project: Jim Carter to update at next GM

4.    Emergency Preparedness Working Group: although the group is not currently active, outstanding progress was made in previous years. Recommend that we start something up in the fall, like an informational brochure.

5.    Agenda planning for September 9, 2020

·       The Directors are continuing to look for and encourage volunteers to come forward for the positions of President and Membership Chair. Nominations from the floor will be called for at the AGM.

·       Meeting will be held via Zoom, Andrew to chair