Sunday, December 16, 2018

CBPOA - December 4th, 2018, Executive Committee Meeting

There was no December 4th 2018, Executive Committee Meeting owing to most Directors being away travelling.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

CBPOA - October 2nd, 2018, Executive Committee meeting - Activities and Actions

1)    Rona Tepper welcomed as the incoming Vice President.

We are still looking for members who are interested in becoming Directors-at-Large, to ensure we have a wide range of points of view and for succession planning for the elected Director positions.

2)    The City is planning to reinstall lighting at the pier.

3)    When opening General Meetings, Andrew will ask if there is anyone from the media in attendance; given that CBPOA meetings are for members, with visitors attending by invitation.

4)    Look ahead to the Christmas Mingle.

The Christmas Mingle this year will be a purely social event with no preceding formal meeting. This is as a result of the change to six scheduled General Meetings per year and keeping the AGM in September.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

CBPOA - August 21st, 2018, Executive Committee meeting - Activities and Actions.

1)    The value of the Crescent Beach Property Owners’ Association has been demonstrated over the summer by the rapid response to the May 23rd managed retreat publicity issue:
-         an organization in place with sufficient standing to assure the attention of the senior decision makers in the City administration
-         the ability to communicate quickly with affected home owners and speedily arrange community meetings, as evidenced by the 120 residents attending the July 4th meeting and providing clear feedback
-         a level of credibility to effect substantive change to the proposed media release which was posted by the City on August 1st, to our satisfaction.
A clear win for our members, residents and the CBPOA, correcting a bad miss-step by the City.
2)    Having said that, we still do not have any volunteers coming forward to fill the positions up for election at the September 12th AGM. Anyone interested should please contact any Director and there will be a call for nominations from the floor at the AGM. The positions of President, Vice President and Membership are up for election and someone to shadow the Secretary is also being sought.

3)    Rail safety – the need for a rail freight speed boundary, similar to the one established for White Rock in 1992.

If freight train braking actions, to slow the trains to the required 10 mph for the swing bridge, occurred before the 24th street stairs, any train braking issues resulting in stopped trains would occur before the Crescent Beach road crossings and not disrupt access into and out of the village.
In 2014 the CBPOA proposed this change to Transport Canada and BNSF and the City of Surrey endorsed a resolution to this effect. Attempts to have this implemented have not been successful due in part to the lack of recorded evidence.
Freight train braking issues have continued into 2018 with the latest occurrence on July 21st causing the village to be cut off for two hours.

In light of the safety risks from continued failures and blocked access, the process for enacting a rail freight speed boundary is being pursued by local elected officials including MLA Tracy Redies. Erik Seiz is providing the historical context and statistics required by Transport Canada. Since rail safety is a topic of interest for many members of the CBPOA, Erik will provide periodic updates as they are available. Anyone wishing to receive emailed updates on rail safety issues in Crescent Beach can request to be added to an (unshared) email list by mailing to

4)    Meetings format.
Your Directors feel the new format, suggested by members last year, of six General Meetings per year, plus additional Open Meetings as required, has worked well. We propose to continue with this format for 2019 and remain open to other suggestions.

5)    Preparation for the September 12th, 2018, General Meeting and AGM.
Tindi Sekhon will be invited to the meeting to provide an update on the 2018 Drainage Project.
Please note the meeting is on Wednesday September 12th at Beecher Place at 7:30PM. Notice of the meetings and agendas will follow.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

CBPOA - June 5th, 2018 Executive Committee Meeting - Activities and Actions

1)    CFAS and the published articles on “managed retreat”.

The Executive Committee will, prior to the July 4th, General Meeting, do some research to increase the level of understanding towards clarifying what actions the CBPOA might take, in light of these publications, in order for the Association members to advise at the July 4th meeting.

2)    Planning for the July 4th, 2018 General Meeting.

The meeting will take place at Alexandra Neighbourhood house and the largest meeting room is being sought, given the expected high member attendance.

The first item on the agenda will be a presentation by Matt Osler on the CFAS and the emerging direction.

There will be a further agenda item to discuss what actions the Association members want to take.

3)    Planning for the September AGM.

Some expression of interest has been received for the positions of Vice President and Membership Coordinator. Expressions of interest are welcomed for the position of President and someone to shadow the Secretary and take over the Secretary position in September of 2019.
Please speak with any Director.

4)    The Paddle Board operation.

A letter from the CBPOA is being sent to the City expressing concern about the creeping growth of the facility and asking that the traditional car parking spaces and capacity be reinstated and available for the summer season.

Friday, April 6, 2018

CBPOA - April 3rd, 2018, Executive Committee Meeting - Activities and Actions

1)    Crime Prevention.
The Directors encourage those interested in forming a Security Group. However, this is not something to be led by, or co-ordinated by the CBPOA.

2)    Donations.
The 2018 donation of $1000 is to the Swim Club in their Centennial year. The donation for 2019 is proposed to go to the Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue Station 5, Crescent Beach.

3)    Preparation for the May General Meeting.
Call for nominations at the September AGM. The present Vice President and the Membership Co-ordinator have expressed their desire to retire at the September AGM. Members interested in volunteering for these Executive Committee positions should please contact any Director.

We will ask the City Business Systems Coordinator to arrange for an inspection of the Paddle Board Hut/Operation and to provide information for the May General Meeting.

4)    Reminder – to those residents who have been included in the City survey regarding the installation of speed humps, to please participate if you have not already done so.

5)    The Crescent Beach Search and Rescue is having an Open House on May 12th from 10AM to 2PM at the Crescent Beach marina, with a boat check and tours of the boat house.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

CBPOA - February 6th, 2018, Executive Committee meeting - Activities and Actions

1)    City drainage and traffic calming project.
The City traffic Planning folks are reviewing the speed bumps plan with the Fire Services. Don Buchanan will attend the CBPOA March General meeting with an update.

2)    Crime Prevention.
Block Watch had a meeting with the RCMP and they are supportive of increased security cameras in the village. The City of Surrey has introduced a secure voluntary camera registry for security cameras. (Google: City of Surrey – project IRIS).
Block watch are looking for a volunteer to head up a security group.

3)    Planning for the March General meeting.

Bob Armstrong has asked to make a presentation on the plans for the Swim Club Centennial events.