Sunday, June 9, 2019

CBPOA - June 4th, 2019, Executive Committee Meeting - Activities and Actions

1)    The CBPOA 2019 donation of $1000 has been provided to the Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue Station 5, based in Crescent Beach. The organization is invited to make a presentation at the July 3rd, General Meeting.

2)    A Director attended the May 16th Surrey Coastal Flood Adaption Strategy, (CFAS), Advisory Group meeting. The key takeaways are:  Managed Retreat is totally gone – “taken off the table” and the Federal Government has established a “Disaster Mitigation and Adaption Fund”, (DMAF), and Surrey has applied for monies. An update will be presented at the July 3rd, General Meeting.

3)    Call for volunteers. We require a new Secretary at the September AGM. Please contact the President, or talk to any Director.

4)    In conversation with the City Manager of Community Planning, there is no Council instruction to consider re-starting the Review of the Crescent Beach Community Plan, (1999) and, as Crescent Beach is in the flood plain, don’t want to densify.

5)    Planning for the July 3rd, General Meeting.