Sunday, October 24, 2021

CBPOA - Oct 5, 2021- Directors Meeting Actions and Activities



Directors' Meeting Actions and Activities

Tuesday October 5, 2021

Camp Alexandra

In attendance: Jim, Trish, Tracey, Liz, Bruce, Henri


o   Changing Signing Authority

­   Following the AGM on September 22, signing authority will change for our account at Coast Credit Union

­   Be it resolved that any 2 of the following signing officers are hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Crescent Beach Property Owners Association, with one of the signatures being that of either the President or the Vice President.

§  President, Jim Carter

§  Vice President, Trish McEvoy

§  Treasurer, Tracey Hill

§  Secretary, Elizabeth Bensted

§  Membership Chair, Henri Wendel


o   From the September General Meeting

­   Discussion regarding leashed dogs on the beach path:

§  Directors support further discussion at the November General Meeting, as per the motion from Sept 22.

§  Directors support forming a Working Group to explore the issues and possibly formulate a ‘referendum’ which would be circulated, via email, to all members, with an option to ‘vote’ via Canada Post or in person should email be unavailable.

§  Directors encourage the Working Group to be balanced and unbiased.


­   Transportation and Traffic Working Group

§  The Transportation and Traffic Working Group will continue to collect data regarding Permit Parking for residents and guests, Pay Parking, and Speed Bumps in the Crescent Beach area.


­   Fast bicycles on the dyke

§  Liz to contact Councillor Linda Annis to see if this is a problem in other areas of the City.

§  What are the city’s rules?  What is the enforcement?


o   Preparations for November 3 General Meeting

§  Presentation from Jason Colenutt, City Engineering: Liz to contact Jason to see if he can attend November 3rd meeting.

§  Liz to contact Keith Borersma, Planner, City of Surrey, regarding building codes.



o   Future meetings

§  Dates and locations of future meetings for the next 12 months were shared with Directors


o   Membership

§  Henri would like to put together a newsletter (3 times a year) (Spring, Summer, Fall) to all members.  Beachside News. Via email.

§  Canvassers often ask what we are doing with the $10 per year membership.  One answer is that we have to charge something to abide with the Societies Act and this is a nominal charge.  Another answer is that we have had projects in the past and our current project, to install to AEDs in the beach area, used a considerable amount of money.

§  CPR training, including the use of the AED, will be arranged in the future.