Friday, April 6, 2018

CBPOA - April 3rd, 2018, Executive Committee Meeting - Activities and Actions

1)    Crime Prevention.
The Directors encourage those interested in forming a Security Group. However, this is not something to be led by, or co-ordinated by the CBPOA.

2)    Donations.
The 2018 donation of $1000 is to the Swim Club in their Centennial year. The donation for 2019 is proposed to go to the Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue Station 5, Crescent Beach.

3)    Preparation for the May General Meeting.
Call for nominations at the September AGM. The present Vice President and the Membership Co-ordinator have expressed their desire to retire at the September AGM. Members interested in volunteering for these Executive Committee positions should please contact any Director.

We will ask the City Business Systems Coordinator to arrange for an inspection of the Paddle Board Hut/Operation and to provide information for the May General Meeting.

4)    Reminder – to those residents who have been included in the City survey regarding the installation of speed humps, to please participate if you have not already done so.

5)    The Crescent Beach Search and Rescue is having an Open House on May 12th from 10AM to 2PM at the Crescent Beach marina, with a boat check and tours of the boat house.