Monday, August 12, 2019

CBPOA - August 6th, 2019, Directors' Meeting Activities and Actions


1)    It was decided to increase the amount of the financial support to the Blackie Spit Preservation Society to $1.00 per CBPOA member as at June 30th, from the present $0.50, in order to cover their on-going expenses.

2)    Agenda planning for the September 6th, 2019 General meeting. 

Hugh Norris, Park Facilities Operations Manager will attend the meeting to talk about concerns expressed by local residents concerning the sports box and to solicit feedback regarding a proposed schedule of use by the various sports.

Tindi Sekhon will be invited to attend to update members on the progress of the 2019 drainage and paving project. A suggestion of installing/using temporary speed controls will be raised.

3)    Agenda planning for the September 6th, 2019, AGM.

The Directors are continuing to look for and encourage volunteers to come forward for the positions of Secretary and Treasurer; the positions which are up for election at this year’s meeting. Nominations from the floor will be asked for at the meeting.

The President will also raise the topic of reducing the number of meetings in the year from the present six plus the Christmas mingle.

4)    The recent medical emergency to one of our members and the hold up at the crossing owing to a train was discussed, (members having sent full details of the occurrence to the Fire Chief and to the City).
The day after the meeting, a response from the City provided an analysis of the situation, - where a recent change between the Ambulance service and the Fire Service had interrupted the usual chain of notification with the rail company. Actions have been taken by the various parties to rectify the chain of communication with respect to medical emergencies at Crescent Beach.