Tuesday, February 25, 2020

CBPOA - February 4, 2020 - Directors' Meeting - Activities and Actions

Directors' Meeting February 4, 2020
Activities and Actions

1)   Church Property - discussions continue between the City and the residents.

2)   Transportation - Working Committee on traffic to report at March General Meeting

3)   Community Plan - Referral to June 4, 2019 Directors Meeting requesting City to restart the Crescent Beach Community Plan.

4)   Blackie Spit Master Plan 1999 - walking path needed adjacent to paved areas for safety (ie pathway definition); safety on the water also an important consideration for facilities rental.

5)   Proposal from Derrick Kershaw to approach Surrey Emergency Services for cost sharing for the proposed Save Stations.

6)   Training session on Emergency Preparedness being held in Langley on Feb. 29, facilitated by the Justice Institute. Jane J to attend and report back on March 4.

7)   Call for volunteers for September 2020.  Positions to be filled: President, Vice President, Membership.

8)   Music Festival at Camp Alex August 1, 2020.