Monday, December 9, 2019

CBPOA - December 3, 2019 - Directors Meeting - Activities and Actions

Directors Meeting Minutes

1)      New Secretary Position - Liz Bensted is now Secretary but will not be able to attend General Meetings in January and March.  It was agreed that someone would take minutes, send to Liz who would follow up with typing and posting.

2)      Changes to the Gmail system - discussed that the system, set up some years ago, with generic mail addresses (eg is now cumbersome.  Directors will use their personal emails.

3)      Christmas Mingle Wednesday Dec. 4 at Alex House Dining Hall 

4)      Church property information working group update - Beryl has recruited two  people to help with the working group.

5)      Traffic calming working group formation: referred to next meeting

6)      Blackie Spit Master Plan Review recommendations working group - through Ron Sorenson, member of the sub group, suggestion that as a working group they take on communicating with the City on this and reporting back to the General Meetings as appropriate.  Ron was suggesting they use the address to keep track of their correspondence, but with our going away from that system we should tell them they should use their own email addresses.  Directors agreed.

7)     Save Station: the Directors who were present thought it an excellent idea to invite Karen McPherson (CEO, St John Ambulance) to give a presentation at the January General Meeting.

8)      New business:
§  locks have been changed at Beecher Place, Andrew will need to get a new key.
§  letter to be written to Alex House reviewing the user agreement between CBPOA and Alex House (Liz to do)
§  liquor licensing for Christmas Mingle to be discussed at February Director's meeting.

9)      Agenda planning for the January 8 General Meeting
·        church property information working group update
·        traffic calming working group formation
·        Save Station - possible speaker Karen McPherson, St John Ambulance

Monday, August 12, 2019

CBPOA - August 6th, 2019, Directors' Meeting Activities and Actions


1)    It was decided to increase the amount of the financial support to the Blackie Spit Preservation Society to $1.00 per CBPOA member as at June 30th, from the present $0.50, in order to cover their on-going expenses.

2)    Agenda planning for the September 6th, 2019 General meeting. 

Hugh Norris, Park Facilities Operations Manager will attend the meeting to talk about concerns expressed by local residents concerning the sports box and to solicit feedback regarding a proposed schedule of use by the various sports.

Tindi Sekhon will be invited to attend to update members on the progress of the 2019 drainage and paving project. A suggestion of installing/using temporary speed controls will be raised.

3)    Agenda planning for the September 6th, 2019, AGM.

The Directors are continuing to look for and encourage volunteers to come forward for the positions of Secretary and Treasurer; the positions which are up for election at this year’s meeting. Nominations from the floor will be asked for at the meeting.

The President will also raise the topic of reducing the number of meetings in the year from the present six plus the Christmas mingle.

4)    The recent medical emergency to one of our members and the hold up at the crossing owing to a train was discussed, (members having sent full details of the occurrence to the Fire Chief and to the City).
The day after the meeting, a response from the City provided an analysis of the situation, - where a recent change between the Ambulance service and the Fire Service had interrupted the usual chain of notification with the rail company. Actions have been taken by the various parties to rectify the chain of communication with respect to medical emergencies at Crescent Beach.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

CBPOA - June 4th, 2019, Executive Committee Meeting - Activities and Actions

1)    The CBPOA 2019 donation of $1000 has been provided to the Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue Station 5, based in Crescent Beach. The organization is invited to make a presentation at the July 3rd, General Meeting.

2)    A Director attended the May 16th Surrey Coastal Flood Adaption Strategy, (CFAS), Advisory Group meeting. The key takeaways are:  Managed Retreat is totally gone – “taken off the table” and the Federal Government has established a “Disaster Mitigation and Adaption Fund”, (DMAF), and Surrey has applied for monies. An update will be presented at the July 3rd, General Meeting.

3)    Call for volunteers. We require a new Secretary at the September AGM. Please contact the President, or talk to any Director.

4)    In conversation with the City Manager of Community Planning, there is no Council instruction to consider re-starting the Review of the Crescent Beach Community Plan, (1999) and, as Crescent Beach is in the flood plain, don’t want to densify.

5)    Planning for the July 3rd, General Meeting.

Monday, April 8, 2019

CBPOA - April 2nd, 2019, Executive Committee Meeting - Activities and Actions

1)      Trevor Roberts has joined the Executive Committee as a Director-at-Large. Trevor is an engineer and has worked with the City engineers on the beach path splash over mitigation berm and drainage and the groyne/sand erosion projects.

2)      Tindi Sekhon will attend the May 1st General Meeting to outline the 2019 drainage and paving plans.

3)      A Neighbourhood Concept Plan, (NCP), for Crescent Beach. Is this something the membership wants the Directors to pursue with the City - towards the City engaging with residents in a public forum process? This will be an item on the May 1st meeting agenda.

4)      Beach path drainage system. Defer the discussion on proactive maintenance until the end of the summer, when the weather changes.

5)      Paddle Board operation. Moving forward with one year left on the contract. Andrew will talk to the City Contracts Coordinator about adherence to the contract terms, dates, etc.

6)      Call for volunteers. How can we attract new Directors? Propose discussing with previous Directors the history of the CBPOA - towards composing a letter to all members showing the importance of the CBPOA and its’ Directors.

7)      As part of engaging with members, discuss at future meetings where the property owners think we should be focusing our efforts moving forward. Include discussing returning to four meetings per year.

Friday, February 8, 2019

CBPOA - February 5th, 2019, Executive Committee Meeting - Activities and Actions

1)    The CBPOA will contact the City Engineering Dept., (Carrie Barron), requesting proactively clearing the beach path drains ahead of king tide and storm forecasts.

2)    Tindi Sekhon, the City Project Manager, will be asked to attend the March General Meeting to talk about the drainage/paving/speed hump plans for 2019. Also to discuss suggestions for painted 30KPH signs on the road surfaces, stop signs and a trial installation of a raised intersection like the one at 56th and New McClellen Rd. in Panorama.

3)    The President will talk to the City regarding coordinating – the Steven Pettigrew request for feedback on the 2954 O’Hara pilot project on the concept of raised houses, - the Blackie Spit Master plan, - parking and traffic control needs, - as part an open discussion process on a Neighborhood Concept Plan, (NCP).

4)    Steven Pettigrew will pass around at the city the Blackie Spit Master Plan and the recent review.

5)    Security. Leanne Bruce is willing to come to a future General Meeting and discuss potentially extending Block Watch.

6)    Planning for the March 6th, 2019 General Meeting. The agenda will include: - The presentation of the 2019 work by Tindi Sekhon,
- Updates on whistle cessation and any future paddle board operation,
- Security
- Call for volunteers.