Thursday, June 7, 2018

CBPOA - June 5th, 2018 Executive Committee Meeting - Activities and Actions

1)    CFAS and the published articles on “managed retreat”.

The Executive Committee will, prior to the July 4th, General Meeting, do some research to increase the level of understanding towards clarifying what actions the CBPOA might take, in light of these publications, in order for the Association members to advise at the July 4th meeting.

2)    Planning for the July 4th, 2018 General Meeting.

The meeting will take place at Alexandra Neighbourhood house and the largest meeting room is being sought, given the expected high member attendance.

The first item on the agenda will be a presentation by Matt Osler on the CFAS and the emerging direction.

There will be a further agenda item to discuss what actions the Association members want to take.

3)    Planning for the September AGM.

Some expression of interest has been received for the positions of Vice President and Membership Coordinator. Expressions of interest are welcomed for the position of President and someone to shadow the Secretary and take over the Secretary position in September of 2019.
Please speak with any Director.

4)    The Paddle Board operation.

A letter from the CBPOA is being sent to the City expressing concern about the creeping growth of the facility and asking that the traditional car parking spaces and capacity be reinstated and available for the summer season.